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· 2 min read

gitw - Git 命令包装器,生成 git 变更记录日志,获取 repo 信息和一些 git 命令工具。

  • 包装本地 git 命令
  • 快速运行 git 命令
  • 快速查询存储库信息
    • 获取 remote, branch 详细信息
  • 通过 git log 快速生成版本变更日志
    • 允许自定义生成配置
    • 允许自定义生成过滤、样式等
    • 可以直接在 GitHub Actions 中使用

· 2 min read

slog - a lightweight, configurable, extensible Go logging library



  • Simple, directly available without configuration
  • Support common log level processing.
    • eg: trace debug info notice warn error fatal panic
  • Support any extension of Handler Formatter as needed
  • Supports adding multiple Handler log processing at the same time, outputting logs to different places
  • Support to custom log message Formatter
    • Built-in json text two log record formatting Formatter
  • Support to custom build log messages Handler
    • The built-in handler.Config handler.Builder can easily and quickly build the desired log handler
  • Has built-in common log write handler program
    • console output logs to the console, supports color output
    • writer output logs to the specified io.Writer
    • file output log to the specified file, optionally enable buffer to buffer writes
    • simple output log to the specified file, write directly to the file without buffering
    • rotate_file outputs logs to the specified file, and supports splitting files by time and size, and buffer buffered writing is enabled by default
    • See ./handler folder for more built-in implementations

Output logs to file

  • Support enabling buffer for log writing
  • Support splitting log files by time and size
  • Support configuration to compress log files via gzip
  • Support clean old log files by BackupNum BackupTime

Git repository


go get

Quick start

package main

import (

func main() {
slog.Trace("this is a log message")
slog.Debug("this is a log message")
slog.Info("this is a log message")
slog.Notice("this is a log message")
slog.Warn("this is a log message")
slog.Error("this is a log message")
slog.Fatal("this is a log message")

output preview:


Logs to file

Using slog to output logs to files is very convenient, and supports multiple files, splitting by time, etc.

package main

import (

func main() {
defer slog.MustFlush()

// DangerLevels contains: slog.PanicLevel, slog.ErrorLevel, slog.WarnLevel
h1 := handler.MustRotateFile("/tmp/logs/app_error.log", rotatefile.EveryHour,

// NormalLevels contains: slog.InfoLevel, slog.NoticeLevel, slog.DebugLevel, slog.TraceLevel
h2 := handler.MustRotateFile("/tmp/logs/app_info.log", rotatefile.EveryHour,


// add logs
slog.Info("info message text")
slog.Error("error message text")

See logs dir:

$ ls /tmp/logs

More usage

More usage please see README